Wednesday, May 5, 2010


1. I honestly think that the ending glorifies the search for truth. Truth is something that everyone wants to find, but deep within their hearts, does not want to find. Truth is something that is beautiful because it is mysterious and undiscovered. If it were to be discovered, the world would result in complete disorder because I believe that truth is something that Man should not know. I think Max realized that the search for truth is something that is meant to be searched for forever. He truly appreciated this truth, so that’s why he was able to let go of it. He knew that the truth’s real beauty lied in its inability to be discovered, so when he discovered it, he destroyed it.

2. The filmmaker is suggesting that subjective and objective truths are related in a way where subjective truth can lead to objective truth. To the Jews, their subjective truth was that the 26 digit number was the key to achieving God’s favour and such. To those stock marketers, their subjective truth was that the patterns formed by the 216 digit number would be able to predict the next stock increase/drop. However, the objective truth that there is a 216 digit number that has a pattern that appears in nature and in all parts of the world. Also, it’s saying that math is both subjective and objective. It is objective in a sense where it is not biased. However, how you interpret the data that you get from it is all subjective.

3. Mathematics and beauty intertwines in this movie because math’s beauty is that there are always patterns in it. In example, the golden ratio makes a perfect spiral shape if you constantly divide the square or rectangle made by two. This is seen as something beautiful because it is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also because of the function of it. It is said that the golden ratio appears in everything in nature. It occurs in things such as leaves, too. Also, there is the beauty in actually working to come up with a solution. All of the hours put into something that one loves is something that is beautiful to that person.