Friday, December 11, 2009

Thank You for Smoking (:

From the movie Thank You For Smoking, Nick Naylor is called the “sultan spin.” I honestly think that it is very wrong to do that, but it is also something innate within us to spin things so that it seems like it’s not so bad of a choice. This is a very clever way of handling things, and this is how all lobbyists do their job. They try their best to convince their people to do what they want them to do. People such as salesmen “spin” things so that people would buy their products, too. I think that this way of spinning things is what keeps the world from going completely bankrupt.

Nick Nayer has an interesting view on tobacco, and he thinks that it’s the right thing to do. I do agree with Nick Naylor that he is doing something right in a sense. He is “just trying to pay the mortgage” by selling his products. I honestly think that he isn’t doing anything wrong. I think that the people who are actually buying it from him are doing the wrong thing, because they are the ones who are foolish. They are the ones who are not taking things into consideration by actually being influenced by the salesman, who, in this case, is Nick Naylor. One example of this that I see these days is “Snuggies.” Do we really need Snuggies, which is basically the same thing as putting on a blanket? It is really unnecessary, but people still buy it because the media spins it, making it look very necessary. They say that because they have sleeves, people will be able to do things such as reading in a very warm manner. However, these things can be done with a regular blanket and long sleeves, too. But this does not mean that I think that smoking is something that is good. I still think of it as something that is bad that harms people’s bodies a lot.

One of the good things that can come from spins is that you could get what you want. In the movie, Nick was able to bribe the Marlborough man into not saying anything that would harm the tobacco company. Also, Nick Naylor was able to make people change their opinion on a topic. However, there are bad things that come with spins too. One bad thing is that it is a really shady business, and once you get caught, your reputation will not ever be the same again. Also, one must be very good at spinning, or else, they will lose, and they will be the ones to be wrong in the first place. One must have a lot of knowledge to spin, and they must know how to manipulate it.

In my opinion, I find spinning to be a necessity in life and as something that keeps the world the way it is. Without spinning, no products would sell and the economy would pretty much stop functioning correctly, and everything will be thrown into chaos.