How much do you think you could know about the world if you never trusted what anyone else told you, or anything that you read?
I think that I would not know much about the world, because there is no way I can know, unless I myself go to the place to experience everything and see it for myself. However, I am not omnipresent, so I will not be able to know everything that is going on at the exact moment. So there is already a lot that I do not know about the world. Because of this, I will only know what I see in front of me. There can be a huge accident on the other side of the world, and I would not acknowledge it's happening simply because I was not there to see it. However, it has actually happened because others have seen it.
Also, I would not know anything about the past, because I was simply not living at that time to see and experience it. So if I do not believe what anyone else said, that means that I would also believe that the world came into existence as soon as I was born, since the past does not exist in my thoughts. So if I don't believe things that are written about the past, that means that I will already not know a lot about the world because I will not know what has happened before my time.
If I am truly 100% skeptical, then I would be very narrow in perspective, and I would not know anything else that is going on outside in the world. I would have a very small perspective on everything, and I would know nothing about the world. I think I would know less than 1% of what is going on in the world if I did not trust what anyone else told me, or anything that I read.
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