What is truth? What is THE TRUTH? Is there such thing as the real Truth?
Truth: (noun): a fact that has been verified.
People say that THE TRUTH is something that is indisputable and factual, something that cannot be truly disproved. However, how do the people know that what they see as the TRUTH is actually the TRUTH? What if it is just their individual truth? Let us use an example that we have mentioned in class. There is an NCa shirt. It is blue and it has printing on it. To someone, that is the truth. However, another person might have only seen the back of the shirt and said that there was no printing on the shirt. Another also might have seen just the red strip part of the printing and said that the shirt was red. These are all still facts, or truths. However, they all differ. They are not all the same. All of them are different in their own ways, yet they are all describing the truth about a shirt. Were these ALL TRUTHS? Or were only some of them true, and if that was the case, why weren't the other ones just as true as the "TRUE" one? Truth is something that we humans will never truly understand. Sure, the truth is supposed to be a fact that has been verified. However, what really is fact? How do we know that something is fact?I believe that everyone has their own truth, and that they are just believing that it is THE TRUTH. To people, what they consider as THE TRUTH is simply when the people's truths are similar, so they collectively call it THE TRUTH. One aspect we can look at this in is when people talk about religion. Buddhists believe that their truth is THE TRUTH, but the Christians beg to differ, saying that what they believe in is THE TRUTH. So are these two religions both THE TRUTH, or are these both NOT truths? These people who follow these religions are actually collectively believing in a truth which started off as just the truth of one person, or a small number of people. Then, this truth was spread out to more people. and as this truth became more exposed, this eventually became A TRUTH,, since so many believed in it. So is there a truth that can be THE TRUTH that not many people believe in, so it is considered just a truth?
In example. let us picture a green shirt with the words NCA on it. THE TRUTH is the fact that it is green. However, everyone looks at that and says that it is blue, not green. So does that mean that THE TRUTH has changed to "the shirt is blue" since so many people said that it was blue collectively? Is the minority who says that the shirt is green then wrong? That is not necessarily the case. But that is what is basically being done in this world. In modern society, usually, the TRUTH is somehting that a majority or even almost everyone accepts.
That is how I view what THE TRUTH is. It is not really a fact. Or it may be a fact. But nonetheless, THE TRUTH had started its original basis in just a "my truth." Then, it blossomed to something big and universal, or even just big and very popular, eventually making its way up to THE TRUTH. So the TRUTH isn't really the TRUTH. We will never know what the real TRUTH is. We will probably just know what "our truths" are.
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