Monday, September 28, 2009

If a tree falls in the middle of the forest, will it make noise?

“Did you hear that?” “No”

If a tree falls in the middle of the forest, and no one is there to hear it, will it make sound? Will it make noise?

The tree does NOT make noise. Noise is something that was created by humans. If a tree fell and no one was there to hear it, that means that it made no noise because there was no one there to hear if there was a noise. Others will say that noise is something that exists no matter what, but is it really? If a person cannot hear it, and if they have not discovered it yet, then the people do not consider it a noise or a sound. Noise is something that is heard. But if no one was there to HEAR the noise, then that means that noise could not have been there. This thing called noise was made by man, and if man wasn’t there to hear, there was no noise.
Let us say that there really was a man who happened to hear the tree fall. The only reason why that sound is considered noise was because the noise made a sound in which the man probably heard. Because the man was there to hear the tree falling to the ground, it was considered a noise, since there was a man there to hear it. His presence there has made a tree falling make noise. If there was no person there, that means that there was no action of hearing being done.

Some say that they know that the falling tree would make noise because they believe that noise exists no matter if there was someone to hear it or not. However, how would they know if they themselves were not there to hear it?

Although at first, this may seem like a very simple question, it is not. Many people would reply yes, because they have learned from basic knowledge that when trees fall, they make noise. However, how about the people in the city, where they do not even see many trees? How would they know that a tree makes noise? They just simply heard that a tree makes noises, and such. And once they saw one tree making noise in a video, they conclude that all trees make noise when they fall. Also, how do we know if we could truly trust our ears to hear the right things? What if there was no sound and we were just imagining these sounds?

At first, I, too, believed that a tree would make noise. But as I started to think more into details, I noticed that a tree would not make noise. If people are not there to hear it, or if no one is there to hear it, then it did not make noise, because no one was able to hear it. To me, noise is something that is there for a person or other living thing to hear, but if it was not heard by anyone or anything, then it must have not made noise.

Three Truths

Religion: I was born into a religious home, and so I was taught the religious ways and my lifestyle centered around religion. Because of this, religion was something that has remained as a truth to me, and I never really tried to question it, since I learned that questioning religion is bad. Because of this, I never dared to ask people around me about what was true about this religion, and what was really behind this religion. The Christian preachers told me that it was through faith that you believe, but I am a very skeptical person, so I do not take these things very well. Honestly I do not know what God is and I do not truly know of his existence-- I cannot bring forth substantial evidence. I cannot bring solid proof of my God’s existence, and even if I can bring proof that there is a god, it can be ANY god out there. Is the religion that I believe in really the TRUTH? Other religions also say that their way is the TRUTH, when in reality, there can be only one truth. So which one is it? Or are none of the religions true?

Reality: What really IS reality? Is the world we are breathing and living in truly reality? Or are we just part of the matrix? Is what we sense, feel, touch, and see really there? Or is this all part of the matrix? What if we aren’t living in a reality? I really honestly want to question the concept of reality. What is real? I have come to assume that reality is where I am living in right now, because this is what is real to me, because this is what I feel, see, touch, smell, hear, and such. Ever since I was young, everyone has told me that this is real. But sometimes I do wonder if a reality can be actually a dream, and vice versa. I think that reality is something no one can really grasp. No one can really see outside of this world and see if this really is reality or not. From this, I also don’t know if what I sense is really what is true, too. An example would be the eyes. The eyes are easily deceived, so what if the things we see aren’t really what they ought to be? What if the colour blue is red in reality?

Moral: Why are some things considered immoral and moral? Ever since I was a child, I believed that some things were moral while other things were immoral because I was taught that way. Ever since I was an infant, my parents taught me how to be a good girl. However, who set the morals and who says that those morals are true? What defines good and bad? What if a person was taught that there is nothing wrong with killing ever since that person was an infant? Then is he to blame for being the way he is? To the person, what he is doing might seem like a good and moral thing. But to us, who were raised differently, we look down on his behaviours and such. What really is moral?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

TRUTH vs. my truth

What is truth? What is THE TRUTH? Is there such thing as the real Truth?
Truth: (noun): a fact that has been verified.
People say that THE TRUTH is something that is indisputable and factual, something that cannot be truly disproved. However, how do the people know that what they see as the TRUTH is actually the TRUTH? What if it is just their individual truth? Let us use an example that we have mentioned in class. There is an NCa shirt. It is blue and it has printing on it. To someone, that is the truth. However, another person might have only seen the back of the shirt and said that there was no printing on the shirt. Another also might have seen just the red strip part of the printing and said that the shirt was red. These are all still facts, or truths. However, they all differ. They are not all the same. All of them are different in their own ways, yet they are all describing the truth about a shirt. Were these ALL TRUTHS? Or were only some of them true, and if that was the case, why weren't the other ones just as true as the "TRUE" one? Truth is something that we humans will never truly understand. Sure, the truth is supposed to be a fact that has been verified. However, what really is fact? How do we know that something is fact?
I believe that everyone has their own truth, and that they are just believing that it is THE TRUTH. To people, what they consider as THE TRUTH is simply when the people's truths are similar, so they collectively call it THE TRUTH. One aspect we can look at this in is when people talk about religion. Buddhists believe that their truth is THE TRUTH, but the Christians beg to differ, saying that what they believe in is THE TRUTH. So are these two religions both THE TRUTH, or are these both NOT truths? These people who follow these religions are actually collectively believing in a truth which started off as just the truth of one person, or a small number of people. Then, this truth was spread out to more people. and as this truth became more exposed, this eventually became A TRUTH,, since so many believed in it. So is there a truth that can be THE TRUTH that not many people believe in, so it is considered just a truth?
In example. let us picture a green shirt with the words NCA on it. THE TRUTH is the fact that it is green. However, everyone looks at that and says that it is blue, not green. So does that mean that THE TRUTH has changed to "the shirt is blue" since so many people said that it was blue collectively? Is the minority who says that the shirt is green then wrong? That is not necessarily the case. But that is what is basically being done in this world. In modern society, usually, the TRUTH is somehting that a majority or even almost everyone accepts.
That is how I view what THE TRUTH is. It is not really a fact. Or it may be a fact. But nonetheless, THE TRUTH had started its original basis in just a "my truth." Then, it blossomed to something big and universal, or even just big and very popular, eventually making its way up to THE TRUTH. So the TRUTH isn't really the TRUTH. We will never know what the real TRUTH is. We will probably just know what "our truths" are.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Where can I find true happiness?" "This feeling is the feeling of true happiness" "I think I will be truly happy if..."
In Theory of Knowledge, one must learn to judge things from an unbiased perspective. Now the question at hand is this: What is true happiness?
Happiness: (noun): 1. State of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy 2. Emotions experienced when in a state of well-being
According to the dictionary, happiness is something where one feels joy. However, what makes us humans feel joy? What is considered taking joy in something?
Every single human being has a different perception on what joy is to them. To one man, killing another person can bring joy. And to another man, he may feel joy in doing his job. No one has the same definition of happiness because just like beauty, happiness is in the eye of the beholder. What one person finds joy in might be what another finds grief in. For example, I take great joy in the arts, such as drawing and doing things that help my express my feelings without directly stating the way I feel. However, my other friend finds joy in solving things and thinking about things on his own. I am happy when I am outside with my friends just hanging out. On the other hand, my friend enjoys quietude and solitude. Also, this bias and perception of happiness can come from the childhood. If there was a child who was neglected for half of his or her life, then the baby would most likely find true happiness if they are with a parent figure who loves and care for them as though they had been the real biological children. Others who were always pampered and treated well will find their deep joy in being given attention&care. Based on the person, happiness is different. Because of this, the true meaning of happiness has been clouded, or has it?
Then what really is true happiness and where can we find it?
What if the definition of happiness was intended for the person to define it in their own way? What if happiness was meant for the individual to translate and take it in as their own? If so, then true happiness would be harder to find than trying to find a needle in a haystack. If true happiness was really something that anyone could translate on their own and such, then there would be no real definition to true happiness. It will merely be something that a person must judge by themselves. So what may be true happiness to one person may not be for another.